Monday, January 3, 2011

Our 2011 Predictions!

Lady's and gentlemen, this is the moment you have all been waiting for over the last few weeks! You have read all the "other guys" predictions about the market and probably have made a few of your own. Perhaps those other guys have 50 years experience, or called the top in 2007, or manage 100 billion in assets. Well, put all those predictions aside, because here comes the only prediction you need.

According to our researchers and analysts at Precision Trading Solutions....


Here is the kicker. Neither does anybody else! We don't care what their resume says, nobody has any way of predicting the markets. Period. Now, one year from today, some of you may email us and say, "Ha, you were wrong. Mr. ____ perfectly predicted that the S&P would rise 13%! He nailed it!" Please think before you fire off one of these emails. The market is going to do "something" this year, and it will match up with "someone's" prediction. But that does not mean that person had any special insight or ability, nor are they able to repeat that same type of accuracy.

So how then do we plan on investing in a market that we simply are not able to even try to predict? Simple.... we follow it. What do we do with all that extra time and money we save not having to develop complex models that try to predict the future? We save it for a rainy day and play a lot of golf! Every single dollar spent on trying to predict the markets movement in the future is simply wasted resources, but that won't stop people from trying!

Good luck!

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