Thursday, January 13, 2011

Must See TV!!!

You have got to watch this clip. Doug Kass on CNBC this morning getting an ear full from Joe Kernan. Here's the deal.... Doug Kass, nor anybody else, can predict anything about the future of the market. Do you realize how many people listen to Doug and let his opinions influence the way they invest?? This is complete nonsense. So why are the networks filled with talking heads ready and willing to throw out their predictions? Simply because the alternative would not be very fun to watch day after day. Can you imagine filling a network with interviews during which the guest said, "Sorry, I have no idea where the market is going" after every question? Think that network would sell much advertising space? It is much more fun to listen to every "expert" try to tell you that he/she knows what is going to happen. So, as a result, we get to listen to Doug Kass, and I have to say, it sure is entertaining! Just be sure not to let his advice dictate where you invest one penny of your money!

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