Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wisconsin Budget Protests

Wisconsin State FlagEveryone needs to be fully aware of what is going on in Wisconsin, because you can bet your life these types of protests are coming to your state soon!   Wisconsin is facing a budget deficit of $137 million for their fiscal year that ends in June.  That's not even close to the real problem.  If changes are not made, Wisconsin could be facing a $3.6 billion shortfall over the next two years!!  That is a massive amount of debt for a state the size of Wisconsin.  They have no choice but to make serious cuts now.  States must balance their budgets, unlike the federal government, as they cannot print their way out of trouble.

Governor Rep. Scott Walker is proposing a number of initiatives to "repair" the state's budget.  These are the hot button issues:

  • Limit the total wage increases for union public employees to the rate of inflation, unless voters approve the increase by referendum. The proposal requires unions to take a yearly vote to maintain their status as a union and prohibits public employers from collecting union dues for unions. During his campaign, Walker received endorsements from the Wisconsin Troopers' Association and the unions representing Milwaukee cops and firefighters, which would be exempted from those changes, as well.
  • Require state employees to contribute 5.8% of their pay to their pensions. The proposal also requires state workers to pick up at least 12.6% of the cost of their health care premiums and trims overall benefits in health plans.
  • Refinance state debt to push principal payments into the future and save $165 million in this fiscal year. That money would be used to help cover two looming bills for the state - $58.7 million owed to Minnesota following the breakdown of an income tax agreement covering citizens who work across state lines and $200 million owed to a medical malpractice fund that was illegally raided by Gov. Jim Doyle and lawmakers in 2007.
  • Change state laws so that unions can no longer negotiate over health and pension benefits.

State employees are now protesting these changes.   Dozens of school districts were closed on Wednesday and Thursday because a large percentage of teachers called in "sick" to demonstrate their feelings on the issues.  Over 10,000 people have been protesting each day in and around the capitol building.

Folks, the bottom line is that the party is coming to an end.  We watched in Greece as thousands protested against cuts to their benefits.  When we learn of why they are so upset, most Americans feel that those in Europe have been eating from the government trough for far too long.  The fact is that government agencies and employees in this country have also been receiving completely unrealistic and uncompetitive benefits and salaries as well.  The private sector simply does not operate in this manner.  This is an "every man for himself" world we live in, and it will always be that way.  If you do not like the changes that the State of Wisconsin is making, you are free to leave and go find a job that compensates you in a way that you feel is fair and just.  Government employees do wonderful work, there is no arguing that fact.  They are hard working men and women that deserve to be compensated for their efforts and results.  However we simply can no longer afford to compensate them at a level that is not equal to what they would receive in the private sector.  If we do not make these changes now, we all will pay the price in the end.

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