Monday, February 21, 2011

Playing the Game Correctly?

We are less than two months into 2011, and the news cycle is enough to scare even those that only casually pay attention to world events.  Many people have flooded the Internet looking for news and content on the latest in the Middle East, the U.S. deficit, food inflation, and various other hot button issues.  This is very encouraging as we feel it is critical that everyone understands these events and how they will impact each and every person.

The latest fad is to take a position on who to blame for all of this uncertainty and unrest.   Ben Bernanke, Obama, Republicans, Mubarak, Sarah Palin??   Take your pick, you are certain to find someone that agrees with you.   There is plenty of blame to go around. 

Antique Retro Gerry CanBlame whomever you wish, but all that blame won't help one bit when a crisis comes and you are struggling to make ends meet, make the mortgage payment, or feed your family.  You see, we are all part of the game, and we all must play by the rules of the game.  When the time comes, it won't help to blame the rules of the game, or blame the group that created the game.  You must learn the rules of the game and position yourself correctly to win the game!

Let's take a look at one small way to tell whether you are playing the game correctly or not.  Are you one of those people that drives all over town looking for gas that is 5 cents cheaper?  Do you complain to everyone you know about the price of gas when it starts to go up?  Do you start to think of ways to cut back your driving if gas hits $4.00 per gallon this summer?   If you are terrified of the idea of rising oil and gas prices.. YOU ARE NOT PLAYING THE GAME CORRECTLY! You are going to lose the game if we have a serious crisis around the world or in the United States. You are not protected and are not protecting your family for the risks associated with social and economic unrest.

Increasing price of oilEvery single American can easily protect themselves from rising oil and gasoline prices.  All you need is an IRA or brokerage account.  It is as simple as taking a small percentage of your investment portfolio and buying an ETF that tracks the price of oil or gasoline.   That's it, nothing more has to be done in this case.  You are now protected from rising oil and gasoline prices.  The return you make in your account will more than offset any extra cost you incur at the pump.   If you drive all over town and are very concerned about rising gas prices, simply buy more of that ETF and you will have more protection.  NOW YOU ARE PLAYING THE GAME CORRECTLY!  You will no longer care if gas prices go up, in fact you will be happy because you will see the value of your investment increase!  You will not have to stress about driving all over town to save a few bucks!  Finally, you can relax when your in-laws bring up the price of rising gasoline and help them protect themselves as well!

Folks, this is real and this is serious.  If you lose the game, you will only be able to blame yourself.  If gasoline goes to $5, $8, $10 per gallon after you read this post, and you are not protected, blame yourself.  Everyone has the tools to win the game and protect themselves. There are no excuses.  Educate yourself on your own and put yourself in a position to play by the rules and win the game!

There are many other ways to play the game correctly.  We will continue to write about other strategies in the near future.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at support

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