Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Federal Tax Dollars Infographic

Sharing this interesting visual on which states are net/net the biggest beneficiaries of federal spending.  Many of our posts have touched on how the events in Washington surrounding the budget are simply a circus act.  As the titanic sinks, Congress is arguing over who will get to play the next song on the ship's deck!  So much energy is wasted in the actual events and in terms of media coverage across the 24-hour news channels covering this song and dance.  Government shutdowns and debt ceiling arguments are just simple and childish token threats and only serve to distract from the real problem.   We have even seen some attempts recently of folks trying to argue and prove that American does not have a debt or spending problem.   Unfortunately, all the arguing in the world won't change the events that are unfolding before our eyes.   We have a perfect storm forming out at sea and it is coming our way.   Remember, there were some people that did not evacuate even in the face of Katrina, and simply felt the threat was over hyped.  Certainly there will be many, many people that will deny the course our nation is on even when the storm is crashing down on their heads.

Tags: Federal spending, Federal Tax Payments, Federal Tax Allotments, State Tax Receipts, Federal Budget, Government Shutdown, Debt Crisis, Debt Ceiling,

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