Friday, March 11, 2011

Michael Moore Calls for "War"

The events surrounding Wisconsin over the last number of weeks have been fascinating to watch.  We have posted many entries on these events and provided our commentary on the situation.  What is important to understand is how all of these events are tied to much larger developments across the world. The fallout from the Great Recession is only beginning to be understood by most Americans.   The truth is that the fallout has only begun.   The events in the Middle East, and now the events in Wisconsin are all a  direct result of political, monetary, and economic policy that came about after the downturn.

The only aspect of what is happening in Wisconsin that has caught us off guard is the speed at which events are unfolding.  We did not expect to see such large protests and words like "war" being used at this stage of the game.  Our best guess was that these events would occur over the next few years.  However, we are moving much more quickly toward our own unrest here in America.

Michael Moore is capitalizing on these events and inciting the people to take action in his interviews and speeches.  He is using very strong words and promoting anger and fear to get this message across.  The people that he is speaking to are very impressionable and most likely do not fully understand the dynamics and fundamentals  that are driving these decisions by those in power.  Whether or not you agree with way leaders in Wisconsin and elsewhere are handling these decisions, you should not be taking advice or forming your opinions on the situation from Michael Moore.  His speeches are filled with grandiose statements, dramatic content and fear.  They are empty of any real evidence and hard facts to support his claims and accusations.   He has an agenda and profits from this anti-business, anti-free market message.  He is trying to start a class war, which will rip this country apart from within.  We are all Americans and are entitled to our opinions, but we are not entitled to try and incite the masses to take action and promote violence against anyone.  That is what Michael Moore is now doing in his interviews.  Take a listen for yourself......

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